Whether it be a toxic friendship or a messy relationship, you deserve better. Hold yourself to a higher standard and don't settle just because one friendship or relationship didn't work out. Don't blame yourself and say it was your fault for why it didn't work out. Some things just aren't meant to be, and you can't help that. Some people are only meant to be in your life for a brief amount of time.
You deserve better than waiting around for them to realize what they are missing. Don't let anyone treat you like you are less than your best, and don't be with someone that doesn't bring out the best in you. You deserve better, and you deserve to move on.
It's not giving up. There's a difference between giving up and moving on. Making to decision to be happier is not giving up so don't be afraid to let go and move on. Because what is not meant to be will never work out. Everyone in your life serves a purpose, and one day you will realize that purpose.
Don't get caught up in the past. Don't stress about it because the past is over and there is nothing you can do to change it. Don't desire to change to past. Live in the moment because you deserve better. Don't dwell on the "what ifs" because there is no changing it. Once you realize you deserve better, you will realize how small the things you were stressing about are.
Then, you will strive for better and hold yourself to a higher standard. No one deserves to stress about someone who just wasn't meant to be in their life. It just wasn't meant to be, and there isn't anything you can do the change that. But you can pick your head up and live in the now and be happy.
Do not feel like you weren't good enough for them, and don't make up excuses for them. Just learn to let go and realize that you deserve much better. Let go of your insecurities. You're not perfect, but neither is anyone. Don't get caught up in perfection because it is impossible. Just focus on learning how to be the best you that you can be.
Just because they didn't see how amazing you are, doesn't make you any less amazing. Let go of your worries and doubts in yourself, and focus on yourself. Make yourself happy, surround yourself with amazing people, and be yourself. Love yourself and realize that you deserve to be happy.
Learn from those bad days and grow from them. Don't wallow in self-pity because they made you feel like less of a person. Be thankful for these opportunities to learn and grow. Use them to become the best version of you, and never settle for less than you deserve. You don't just deserve better, you deserve only the best.