In a world where the people who put others before themselves are highly praised for their selflessness, those who put their own needs above others are often shamed.
Being there for someone, be it a friend or a stranger, is an admirable gesture that we should all strive to do from time to time. The astounding drive that some people have to be there for others before themselves is second-to-none. It is in these trying moments filled with reassurance and encouragement for the well-being of another person that you often forget to take care of yourself first.
My first semester of college was an extremely trying time in my life, and undoubtedly the most painful and emotional four months ever. (Yeah I know I talk about it a lot. BUT, when you make as many mistakes as I did, hopefully lessons are learned.)
Starting from the moment I set foot on campus on August 19th, I found myself constantly forcing myself to get along with people whose personalities mine didn't mesh with. I tried so desperately to become more agreeable than I was in high school and be friends with everyone I crossed paths with.
Maybe some people can get on with people just fine with no issues because they need to be on good terms with others. But then there are those (me) who just cannot force themselves to enjoy the company of certain people simply because their tendencies bother them too much to try to deal with it.
In my hell-bent efforts to harmonize with everyone I encountered, I forgot to take care of myself. I became too preoccupied with going through the motions, doing every single thing I was told I should do, and neglected my own mental health and happiness.
It took me some time but over break, I realized how much I needed to look out for myself. After spending 18 days on the couch at home, I felt refreshed and ready to take on another semester as a better me. Sitting on that couch alone in Pendleton, I was not worrying about other people, just when my next run was or what delicious home-cooked meal was.
There are a lot more things to worry about now as I'm back at college, but I'm taking it all in stride and remembering to put myself first.