Change, in terms of that around us, is a process that is essentially unavoidable. Likewise, it is only natural that as the factors of our life transform around us that we too must evolve. However, it has become apparent to me that many people hold a negative connotation towards change. Whether or not one is individually inclined to welcome or reject change, there is an ever-present sense of hesitation each time it is encountered. I cannot help but wonder why we’ve come to maintain such dread for the process.
“You’ve changed” has become a sentence much less of a compliment than a snarky remark. Why is such a natural experience viewed with such disdain? Not all change is positive, and oftentimes this may be a truly justified feeling of resentment. Those who consciously abandon their true selves in the pursuit of unattainable desires are only hurting themselves. However, one must find the fine line between staying true to oneself while still being open-minded. Just as change cannot be rejected or avoided, it should never be forced.
Excitement toward change is incredible. Something so natural should not always be looked upon so negatively. Maintaining an open mind and setting few expectations may possibly be the most conducive method in regards to approaching change. Allowing our thoughts to be provoked by new experiences without limits is important in discovering our truest selves.
Furthermore, it is perfectly normal to change your mind about something. As we experience various events in our lives, we mentally accumulate a wide variety of information. As new lessons are learned, it should come as no shock that one might begin to feel differently on preconceived notions. It seems as though that idea is consistently perceived as the result of peer pressure or the action of a follower. While either may be true in some cases, it is just as often simply evolved ideals. As long as one’s principles are not discounted, there should be no shame in changing your mind.
It is nearly impossible to believe that despite encountering endless amounts of new experiences and people in one’s lifetime that he or she may remain a static mentality. Being surrounded by such diversity in mindsets across our world has allowed me to contemplate my own thoughts time and time again. Change as an element of personal growth should be a thing of admiration rather than resentment. Dynamic minds are a beautiful thing.