So based on the title, this may sound like it’s about to be a 500 word rant, but I promise it’s not one. This is simply something I feel like I need to write about, because I have noticed more and more lately that people will not stop trying to tell others how to live, and I feel like sometimes we need a reminder that every person is different and that is what makes the world so cool. If everyone had the same goals, same background, and same thoughts on how things are supposed to work, society could not function. Whether it’s friends telling other friends unwanted opinions on their lifestyles or strangers judging and feeling like their thoughts about your life matter, it’s all over the place.
Let's start with the one that fires me up the most. When people who barely know you try to give their opinions on how you live your life. The issue with this is that although these people may be genuinely trying to help, they don’t know the whole situation because they haven’t been around to see you go through it. These could be Facebook friends from high school that you should’ve deleted years ago, friends from class making snarky comments, or really anyone who you don’t know very well but is trying to somehow fix you. It's uncalled for and can be avoided by only giving advice or your opinions to people you don’t know well when they ask for it. Also, if you really feel like you have to say something, at least acknowledge the fact that you don’t know every detail of their situation before you spew your thoughts.
The last one is the hardest, your close friends. This is tough because you might know every detail of the story and you want the best of the best for them, so you feel like your opinion matters A LOT. Although it may be more valid and valued by your friend than the opinions thrown at them from acquaintances, it is still their life and you have to let them do what they feel is best for them in that moment. Aside from if they are harming themselves in some way, you have to let them make their own mistakes and figure out what they want.
There you have it, my non-rant. I honestly believe if everyone went around with the mindset that people have to live their own lives and figure out their own path, then the world would be a lot more peaceful. In the right setting and with the right relationship, of course sharing life experience is meaningful and necessary. Ask for help when you need it, give advice when you’re asked for it, and live it up.