"I only want to pay half price." This is the most irritating thing I've heard clients say to their stylists. It isn't fair to ask them this as we put in the same time and energy.
Allow me to explain why:
"But you only cut off 2 cm?"
2 cm, 20 cm, the steps stay the same. It may not feel like we did much, but believe me, we did. If we skipped one step you will be walking out with a lopsided hairdo. The only time this argument is valid is when stylists sell your hair, and to be honest I think that would be very weird.
"You are cutting an existing style."
True, it is a little easier to cut an existing style, but we need to follow certain steps if you want to look a certain way. If you are clever you will try to strike up a bargain of sorts with your stylists, say half price for every fifth visit or something like that...
"This isn't a makeover"
And you are not paying for a makeover. Makeovers are 2 to 3 haircuts. It takes double the time and double the energy, if anything you should be paying double for a makeover.
You want to look a certain way, and we want to pay our bills. It is what is called "Fair trade". If you think it's too expensive, please go somewhere else... Otherwise, risk exiting the salon like this: