As a girl who wants to do it all and thinks she can, I understand what you're going through.
When you arrive at college, you are blown away by how many extracurricular activities you can get involved in. From joining the ski club, playing intramural sports, joining Greek life etc., there are a variety of things you can do to keep yourself busy. With every opportunity thrown at you at once, it can be hard to say no, especially if you want to test out the waters of everything that might interest you.
Although there are a variety of opportunities to get involved in while in high school, college is a completely different story. College brings a variety of students from all walks of life to campus each year. With these students comes a variety of interests and talents, some you may not have seen before. There are so many more opportunities to get involved in college because there are more creative ideas for clubs as there are more creative people presenting these ideas.
When you got to college, you may have seen clubs you never could've imagined. My high school didn't have an outdoors club and I definitely never would've thought of it. My high school also didn't have a break dancing or ballroom dancing club, hence the reason why you want to try everything, you've never seen something like that before! Coming with attending such a large school are a variety of alumni relations. One of the clubs I am in holds an event every 18 months where students can interact with successful alumni and extend contact information.
So of course I want to get involved in everything, there are so many perks that come with being in some of these clubs. With all of the extracurricular activities thrown at you at once and with all the possible interactions with successful alumni, it is so hard to say no. By saying no to things you're curious about, you're missing out on future friendships, future connections and possibly future talents or skills you may gain while being in one of those clubs. However, there is a downside to wanting to do everything and thinking you can.
At a time in your life when everything is going great and you're finally involved in things that spark your interests and associating with people who have the same interests as you, it's so hard to say "no I'm going to take the night off" and it's even harder to quit something you love. In the few months I have attended college, I know how this feels firsthand. I am still processing the fact that I simply can't handle it all yet I still try. It's difficult writing for two publications, being involved in Greek life and being in three other clubs. I have reached my breaking point; I am tired and out of energy. I need to relax and recharge but I can't because I enjoy doing everything I am involved in and I refuse to quit because I am tired. I refuse to quit anything I am involved in because they are all equally important to me and I love what I am doing.
I have learned so much since joining all of these activities and I have experienced so many wonderful opportunities because of them. However, I need to accept the fact that it is impossible to do everything--even if I think I can, which I've been pretty good at thus far. It's simply impossible to do everything. I get about six hours of sleep a night after running around all day, going here and there, doing this and that for something I am involved in. I have been sick lately, most likely due to lack of sleep, and I don't remember the last time I had a day off. I get the chills while looking at the calendar on my iPhone because there is not one day free in the month of November, literally. It's a struggle finding time for myself and especially keeping close relationships with my family and friends, but some how I manage.
If you have read this far, you probably understand what I am going through. You are the person who wants to do it all; you want to please everyone and make time for everything. While it may work for a while, you will fall apart when you realize you make time for everything and everyone but yourself. I joke "I don't have time for myself" but I am being serious. I never relax and I never have a day off because I love what I am doing.
If you are like me and refuse to quit anything, remember that passion is the key to happiness. If you're not passionate about what you are doing, you will fall apart and may not be able to pick up the pieces. While you may think you can handle everything, it's okay if you can't. It's okay if you disappoint someone here and there because you are stressed and need a break. It's okay to say no to something because you need to sleep (I need to take my own advice.) You are young and you need to take care of yourself. You are only given one body and if you keep living your life the way you are, you will fall apart. While I am clearly still learning, I know that taking a break every once in a while is key to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I wish I could give you advice of how to make time for yourself, but I can't. I am too passionate about everything I am doing to quit. I guess the only piece of advice I can give you is to be passionate and determined. You may struggle for a time in your life, not knowing when you are going to relax or settle down, but you will be stronger than ever when you realize you actually did it all. You will feel proud when you look at your resume and think back to all the sleepless nights and be able to say "I did all that."
Just remember, you may think you can do it all, but it's okay if you can't.