You Can't Be A Feminist And Defend Trump | The Odyssey Online
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You Can't Be A Feminist And Defend Trump

Rape and rape culture is rampant in our nation, and our prospective president should not make that worse.

You Can't Be A Feminist And Defend Trump
Brentwood Spiritual Studies Institue

Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights regarding political, societal, and economic equality among genders. I believe it is extremely important for all women and young girls alike to know that women have a place in society very equal to men, and that shouldn't be compromised by what they wear, how much they weigh, or what they look like. Ironically, a man who could potentialIy be our President, has done nothing but undermine all of those things about women. Media does play a huge roll, but there is no denying the vulgarity of his words, which have been captured on television, interviews, social media, his books, and recordings. I do understand that people who support Donald Trump do so for his policies not for his inconsiderate words and language, I also understand that many of our previous presidents, as well as candidates have had their fair shares of sexual allegations and scandals, however, that does not mean I support them, those actions, or especially Donald Trump. What blows my mind is that there are people in our country, especially women, who support the ideas of feminism but can also defend Donald Trumps words.

With all politics aside, going from a President as respectful, kind, and chivalrous as our current President to one like Trump would be embarrassing for our nation as a whole. He does not represent what would "Make America Great Again," we are a nation plagued by a nasty rape culture, and to have a man who's ideas and morals only perpetuate that rape culture would be one large step in the wrong direction. Both defending his words as "locker room talk" and believing that that is all that was is incomprehensible. It should not be accepted by any man to speak that way, especially the President of the United States. Countless athletes and coaches such as, Delanie Walker, Chris Conley, and Brett Anderson, have all come out to say that what Trump says is far from any "locker room talk" they have ever been around, and they don't plan on letting Trump peg that on them. It should not matter if he did not mean what he said, but he did say it, it should not matter if the people he were around were friends or not, suggesting that making sexual advances on women are okay because of your place in the spotlight does not dismiss actions such as those, and no man should ever say such things as jokes. There is a difference in men joking about "scoring" last night, and men saying they can kiss whoever they want, and grab women's genitals solely because of their fame. The words that come from Trump in that recording are horrifying and no woman should be able to defend them, "when you’re a star, they let you do it,” that's not how the world works, he goes on to say that he "doesn't even wait," where's the humor here? I can't seem to find it. His words are inexcusable and the list seems to be ever-growing of what new thing Trump says to offend the world.

Rape is a serious problem in our country, I personally don't have enough fingers to count all the women and girls I know who have been raped and or verbally or physically assaulted, and that is a horrifying thing. Men too, experience rape and sexual assault, however, it is a far more common threat for women. Recently we had the case with Brock Turner who seemingly got off easy for the rape of a young girl. Cat calls are far too common, and the amount of men who have come into my work (who could easily be my father or grandfather) and have made inappropriate remarks to me or my coworkers is also far too common. Whether it is sexual assault, unwanted advances, or offensive lewd remarks and sexual harassment, it has got to be stopped. And if our President is unable to set the bar for how we treat others then I am not sure how much change can be made in regards to the need for equality between genders and the betterment of rape culture in our country.

My biggest problem still lies with the defense I hear of Trump's words, especially by women and young girls. There is no excuse and no defending what he said, the fact people can find a way to excuse the things he has said about women is because our society has learned to normalize this kind of language and behavior when it is so far from acceptable. I am not saying Clinton has not done some bad things and abused her power, but in the instance, I am referring to Trump and his actions. I cannot possibly support his behavior or defend it in any way, he is not a man fit to represent our wonderful country or a man that I believe has respect for many others. Ultimately I cannot understand how his words are something that can be pushed aside to women who also want changes for themselves and how things are handled in our country. No progress can be made when the leader of our great nation is a problem himself. I am sure Trump is not all bad, and I am sure media plays a role in the way he is portrayed to the world, but I am also sure that he has set himself up for failure with his words and his actions, and ultimately in this election.

To "Make America Great Again," we have lots of things to fix across the board, and one that is all too often swept under the rug is rape culture and the inequality among all people, not just men and women. To "Make America Great Again," Trump is not the answer. Trump is the epitome of what is wrong in our country and some of the changes that far too often get looked over. You cannot defend Trump's words and actions and be a feminist.

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