"You can tell who the strong women are. They are the ones you see building one another up instead of tearing each other down."
Alright ladies, this one is for you. I'm really excited to talk about this because I think it's something we all struggle with on the daily. I know this topic isn't necessarily new and people are aware of it, but for some reason, we still can't help ourselves from letting comparison deter us from who we are as individuals. This leads us to feel resentful toward our fellow ladies out there because well, for some reason, they are just better than us. And let me tell ya, this is one of the worst lies we let ourselves believe.
Can we all just sit and think about how cool it would be if instead of being intimidated or jealous or worried about not being as great, we actually praised and supported one another. Think about how awesome all of the women in your life are. Now think about how many other awesome women are out there doing amazing, unbelievable things. What if we could just celebrate them? Work with them? And dare I say it... be friendly to them without completely letting ourselves judge them and compare ourselves before hand.
Now, if you're sitting here thinking, "That's so not me. I never do that." I'm going to supportively call your bluff. It's okay to admit to this because honestly, it's really freaking hard not to do. We are so overexposed to so many lives around us that we can't help but compare, compare, compare and compare some more. So yeah, we all probably do it now and then, but at the end of the day, it's what's holding us back from teaming up and becoming friends with some really rad women. It's what's keeping us from building each other up.
I really believe it's because we seem to forget one simple concept: another woman's beauty and accomplishments are not the absence of our own.
Mind. Blown. Seriously guys, think about this! And please, please believe it because it is so true! Yes, other women are beautiful. Yes, they are accomplishing really great, major things. Yes, they are using their talents and uniqueness to make their lives unreal and amazing. But so are you! Yes, her clothes are cute, but her heart is cuter. And guess what? So is yours.
So let's show up for one another, whole-heartedly support each other and encourage each other to work harder and strive for more. Whether she's our friend, a stranger or just someone we follow on Instagram; how about we give her the space to be herself and root for her.
And be sure to do the same for yourself.