Two jobs, and unpaid internship, a full class load, three clubs, a social life. Sound familiar? Welcome to the college lifestyle.
We are at the times in our life where we have no choice but to rush from class to class, class to work, work to extracurriculars, and extracurriculars to the gym, study groups, or our friends. When do we eat? When do we sleep? We don't.
The phrase, "you can't do it all" is simply not applicable to a college student. In today's competitive world, we have no choice but to do it all. But at what cost? One hundred thousand dollars in tuition in our undergrad alone, sleepless nights, and hungry days. But we cannot stop until society allows us to.
Uniquely, I'm okay with that. Why would I want an hour to sit on the couch when I could be out meeting other insanely busy people just like me? You could look at another club meeting as a chore, or an opportunity to make a friend, better the community, or learn something about a peer. Why would I treat class as a burden on my day of Netflix, when I have been given the privilege to understand America's government, learn a new language, or know how blood flows through my own body? How could I skip a party on Saturday night when it might be the most fun night of my entire life?
Saying yes to one more task, favor, responsibility, could be saying yes to so much more than what meets the eye.
Stretch yourself thin, tire yourself out, and challenge yourself to balance just a little more than you think you can handle. The outcome might be nothing short of amazing.
Life presents us with endless opportunity beyond our TV screens or the walls of our bedrooms. You can sleep when you're dead.