It's time to make the most change we can in our own lives and SAVE THE BUTTERFLIES AND THE BEES!
1. "Bee" Kind
START TO CARE!!! It's that simple
2. Educate Yourself
Just Google the benefits of our lovely friends.
Here are my favorite facts about bees, WE CAN'T SUCCESSFULLY SURVIVE WITHOUT THEM! Also, if you love food, you should be 50 shades of freaked out if we end up missing our besties!
This is the most simple and eye-pleasing solution to a dire situation the caring humans of earth feel powerless to! Skip Taco Bell for maybe two nights and take a break from your summer Netflix binge and let your green thumb go!
Heres a brief list of our lovelies fav garden decor
What do my baby bees like?
Purple Coneflower (p.s: This plant loves the butterflies too!)
Lets hear it for my beautiful butterflies!
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia)
Now everyone, get out there and save some cute little lifesavers!