I want to start off by saying, no you are not a failure and yes I can most certainly tell you that I am 100 percent on this one.
Man, life is hard and school is difficult and then to add on a job, internship, social life, clubs, me-time, family-time, etc. I mean it is all just piling up left and right and sometimes I have no idea what to do about it. There will be days where I just sit somewhere in complete solitude and think to myself "What is even going on?" For example, the whole month of September flew by and I have no idea where it even went. I try to look back on it and remember what I did during that month, but I come up blank every single time.
It scares me to know that I had just let one whole month of my life slip by and I don't even remember it passing. I feel like I did absolutely nothing during that month too. Nothing mentally, physically, or emotionally beneficial really happened. However, I will say that my social life skyrocketed ever since coming to college, but we'll save that for another day. So, yep here I am just wondering what I need to do to ensure that I do great at being a person this next month. Let me tell you guys, the first three days were a little rough because college exams can be brutal sometimes, but the rest of the month I got this, right?
Yeah well, that's what I told myself last month and the month before that and so on. If you're anything like me then at this point you might be thinking, "Wow I'm a failure and I can't even do anything to improve in different areas of my life without falling back into my very old habits." I have had many days with many, many thoughts like that running through my head while I am just sitting there trying to figure out what I can do to just be better and do better and be the best me every single day.
However, this mindset is all wrong. Guys, not everyone is going to be on their A-game 24/7. Life can be a witch (Get it? 'cause ~spooky season~), but yeah life can be super rough sometimes, and just because you may have decided to study longer for a test means you didn't get the 8-hour beauty rest you were so desperately forcing yourself to have, doesn't mean you have to view yourself as you messed up your entire sleep schedule. Let's also say that maybe that test you worked really hard for did not turn out the way you expected, but this has never meant that you're stupid or just didn't work hard enough. This just means that you have to find a different way to improve for the next time.
Failure is never something that we as people should be afraid of. Whether we fail a simple test or at building our own business, failure is a teaching method. Everyone always hears how the most successful people in life are the ones that failed several times before they finally found the right nitch, well you hear that because it is true for every single person on the planet. Failure makes us durable and fight harder for the things that we want and in the end, they ultimately mean way more to us than the things we just automatically get without trying.
While failure teaches us so much, it is not a word that we should ever use to define ourselves.
Okay yes, something didn't turn out like how you thought it would've, but look, you got out of bed this morning and kept going throughout your day and called your mom and finally understood that you deserve to yourself as the star you are.
None of that sounds like failure to me. To me, that all sounds like a victory.