Are you stuck in a rut? Broken heart have you down? Do you feel like you're crumbling to the ground with no motivation or self-worth left to even breathe? Well, you've come to the right place, and oh boy do I have the cure for you! We're going to send you back to being the you that you were before you relied on anybody else to protect your feelings and before you trusted anybody else to hold that giant heart of yours. And guess what? You're going to be on your way to being YOU without anybody else.
Every experience changes us, whether it affects us positively or negatively, we will never be the person we were before hand. That's not a bad thing, though! We need to take from our experiences and use them as lessons instead of dwelling on the past. Our lives are in our own hands, and as cliche as it may sound, we choose our own destiny. If you want to sit back and remain bitter and angry over that asshole who broke your heart and ran? Or who treated you like crap meanwhile you would have taken a bullet for them and still would? That's your decision. You also have the decision to put it in the past and not let it destroy you. It's a process, and I'm not saying it's going to be quick and painless, but it is possible to find the you that you were before them and the you that you've been all along.
People come and go but every experience teaches us something. Each person comes into your life for a reason, just as you enter and leave other lives. The only thing that remains at the end of the day, is you. The only person you can always truly count on is yourself. So, why do we beat ourselves up and put ourselves down when we are hurting, sad or heartbroken? We are the base layer of our lives, we hold all the power, and we get to decide where we go from here. Whether it be a significant other that left when you needed them most or an issue with a friend or a family member that turned your life upside down, you are still you without them.
Fighting for what you love is absolutely okay and encouraged. If you love something or someone, chase after it. If something makes you happy? Whether it is a person or not, go grab it. There is one condition though: you are beautiful and strong and you deserve nothing but love, and respect; therefore, if somebody isn't giving you what you deserve, or treating you like you are the best thing since sliced bread and reciprocating? Then you don't need them. Fighting for what you love is fine, but don't fight for somebody to love you. Even if they are treating you wonderfully? You have to remind yourself that they are in control of their own life and they have the power to walk out on yours, the only permanent thing in your life is yourself. You cannot rely on anybody else, you cannot put your happiness and heart in the hands of another person.
The only person you have control of is yourself. It's a sort of stressful thing to think about because the world is so unpredictable, but it's also kind of cool in a sense. Life is this lengthy race track and you're the one behind the wheel in your own lane. Everybody else in the other cars are gonna cut you off occasionally, they might swerve in and out of your lane, and you will do the same, and they will probably beep at you for going too fast sometimes. Regardless, though, you are still the only one holding your wheel. You decide how you react and you decide whether or not you hit them. And when they hit you, and its out of your control? You're in charge of how severe and how long your injuries last.
I promise you, if you remember that you're the author of your own story, and you're the one behind the wheel? It will make your bad days less bad, your pain less painful, and your story more enjoyable to write AND read. You cannot let them pull you over, and make you stop moving. You were you before them, and you will remain you after them. You are YOU without anybody else. Life is one crazy journey, but you can't justify taking your foot off the gas.