Stop letting others decide your self worth.
As people, girls especially, we get so caught up in what other people have to say about us and we try to do everything we can to please them and do what they say and live life how they tell us to, but we cannot keep doing that. We let others determine our self-worth but they set our self-worth so much lower than it actually is. We let them tell us what we are worthy of and if we are not careful they will tell us we are not worthy of anything when really we are worth everything.
We are worth so much more than what others have to say about us. We are worthy of love, of respect, of joy, of everything life has to offer. God sent his own son to die for you. God thought you were worthy of Jesus before you or your parents or grandparents were even on this earth. That right there sets our values at an all-time high, you are worth the savior of the world.
You are worthy of the love of God and that is the most miraculous love of them all. It never ends, it never gives up on you, and He will always love you. So if the one who created the universe thinks you are worthy of His only son why are you letting those who do not know you and how amazing you are tell you who you are and what you are worthy of?
I will admit I still struggle with my own self-worth at times and I let others try to define me but then I am reminded of God's love for me and the victories and purpose He has already declared over me and my life.
God has already declared all the victories over my life but just simply letting Him fight them for me. All we have to do is put our truth and faith in Him and he will guide us. Guide us from whatever trouble we are facing, guide us into the light, guide us to our purpose, guide us to His grace, His mercy, His love, and He will reveal to us just how much we mean to Him. Which is a lot by the way, more than all the treasures in the world.
I know the battle of self-worth and love is a tough one, I have been through it, but God has already won that battle. He has already won every battle we just have to let Him fight it for us, that is it.
Do not let someone else determine all of your worth when God already has and it is more than anything we could ever imagine. You are worth Jesus and He is priceless. You are worthy of everything this world has to offer, you are worthy of every ounce of joy and happiness. You are priceless and worth more than the unkind words of others. Do not let others determine your value when God has already set it at an unmatchable price.