Hi, for one reason or another you decided to click on this article. Whether you needed the reminder, or were just clicking around on the internet, you landed here. So now that I have your attention let me explain something to you.
You are way more than enough.
Okay, now I know I may not exactly know your life, but I do know this:
You are more than your past...
more than your situation...
more than your flaws...
more than your insecurities...
more than your heartbreak...
more than the size of your clothes...
more than the brands you wear...
more than your talents...
more than your dreams...
more than your grades...
more than your job...
more than your weaknesses...
more than your failures...
You are more than enough.
Being a college-aged girl, I often hear other young women and men say “I just don’t think I am enough for *insert reason here*” Since when did we start worrying about being enough for someone or something else? Why are we no longer focused on being enough for the person that matters most?
What defines you most is not who you are, it's who you are in Christ.
I know that I am enough in his eyes, and I know you are enough in his eyes too.
When He looks at you, he sees a human being created in his image, and if that is not something to be proud of then I'm not sure what is. I mean how cool is it that the same God that created the Mountains and the Sea, looked at you and thought that the world needed one of you too?
When God looks at you, he sees someone whose strengths and weaknesses are equal. He sees a person who is fearfully and wonderfully made. He sees your heart. He does not dwell on the little things, he sees your potential, your ultimate plan, he KNOWS that you are...well...more than enough.
You are not alone if you do not think you are enough, because believe it or not, I used to think the same thing. I was so focused on how others viewed me, and I was constantly letting people judge me by what I had and had not accomplished. What I failed to realize is that I was not defined by these actions, I let these actions define me. I never thought of what really mattered and that was who was I in God’s eyes. Was I making the right decisions? Was I living the life that he had set up for me?
But the thing is, you need to realize this. In order for you to understand how enough you are, you have to start living like it. Walk with your head high, speak up, make a change, because if you don’t, who will?
Realizing this opened my eyes to so many other opportunities, I changed my life around, became more independent, more confident. I was more compassionate and understanding. I no longer dwelled on the little things and started to focus on the bigger picture. Not realizing it then, but understanding it now...I finally realized that I was living with Christ in my heart. I understood that I was finally enough, because I was living through him.
So if you are struggling, if you are questioning whether or not you are enough, I am here to tell you one thing.
You are MORE than ENOUGH. You are a living breathing image of God. You are worth it. You are special. You are You.