From the way that you talk, to the way that you dress, you are stunning. I don’t quite know you, but I know that I want to. Your poise amazes me. Your kindness gives me strength. You are wonderful.
I’ve noticed that I am awe struck by distinct individuals: the people that are able to offer themselves without hesitation or even the selfless individuals that make you question their humanness. I am amazed by how naturally others radiate their genuine characteristics. In relation to this thought, I am also intrigued by how easily it is to determine someone’s trust and take shelter under it.
The greatest feeling is being saved from a moment of desperation. Assuming the biology behind this is correct, it feels exactly like having every cell in your body soak in, and then quickly release, the sun’s rays all at once. Suddenly humanity makes sense: horrible actions are common yet horrible people are very rare. If being high on life was possible, you would be convinced that you’re well under the influence.
The people that allow for this reassurement are probably not aware of how impactful they are. Hopefully their supporters have previously, and still continue to, enlightened them, but the people that follow from afar might still be hidden in their secluded corners.
You are someone’s role model.
Perhaps you are the person that always seems to have their outfits on point who also acts as a resource for others when buying new clothing, or perhaps you are the person older than everyone who unwittingly guides them through their new paths, or maybe you are the professor who open handedly offers their passion towards their students to lead them towards their own desires. Think about it, you have influenced someone.
Humanity has flaws and perfection is impossible, but by piecing together distinct characteristics from random people, being perfect becomes questionable.
Your smile might be a direct replica of your mom’s. Your optimistic thoughts may have been subconsciously gained from your 6th grade math tutor who got you that A; the things we model from others happens without even thought.
Is it weird to tell people that their smile makes me smile? Is it selfish when I don’t tell people that they have helped me beyond their intent? Am I insane for thinking that kindness can create a chain reaction of unity? These are all thoughts that are connected to expression and realizing that it is so easy to be a leader in your community. Just smile. Say thank you. Offer help. Open a door for someone. Soon, several doors will open. For all one knows a door may open for you, and you will realize the impact that you have on this world.
There are various role models in our lives. Some have the potential to radiate feel good vibes that depict trust and genuine kindness. Others have the ability to build us in little ways that help bring who we are closer to who we want to be.
Thank you for inspiring someone.