You are worth so much more than this world has to offer. You are worthy of people who will lift you up in life and not tear you down. You are more than just a life, you are here for a purpose. God thought the world needed one of you, too. The way you measure your self worth shouldn't be by what you see on TV or in magazines. Celebrities who are plastered all over our TV's every day have someone making them seem perfect behind the scenes. You shouldn't define who you are based on what others say about you, you should know better than to listen to their ugliness. If you aren't happy with the way things are going in your life then maybe it's time to take a step back and reevaluate. Are the things you're doing today helping you build a successful future? If the answer is no, then change it. Don't lose your faith trying to impress people who are waiting to see you fail. This world holds so much ugliness, but you can be the light that shines through.
The only standard you should try to live up to is the one you set for yourself. So what if you can't get winged eyeliner down? So what if your car isn't brand new off the lot? So what if you didn't buy your shirt from Barney's? Those fads will all fade away, and they don't define you. Your worth isn't measured by what others have. Typically, the standards that are set before us by the media or by celebrities isn't something we can reach. You know what, though? That's okay. They lead a totally different life than you do, and you are worth every single blessing that has been given to you.
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Knowing self worth is hard, but what makes it even harder is the fact that some people don't surround themselves with people who know their worth. I see so many men and women get so discouraged because their inner circle tells them they can't be who they want to. If you have someone holding you back, you have to find the courage to let them go. If you constantly have someone in your ear who is telling you that you can't, then you never will. I hope and pray that if anyone is telling you that you can't be the best you, then you will take a step back and realize you are so much better than that. Eleanor Rosevelt said it best “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
In my own personal life I am my own worst critic. I let anxiety or fear tell me what I'm worth. It seems like I can have plenty of people tell me I am worthy of my happiness, but I don't actually believe them. When I go to that place, I tell myself that I am on this planet for a reason. I am in the direction I am supposed to go in. God tells us numerous times that we are 100 percent worth it. My favorite verse that is my go to is “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.”(Psalm 139:14) God doesn't make mistakes. Not now, not ever. I am imperfect, but I was made in a perfect image. That is what keeps my head held high.
I see the people who work their butts off to be a good spouse, parent, friend or child. I see the people who on a day to day basis walk through life tired and worn down. I see the people who have lost hope. Here is the good news, though: tomorrow is a new day. You may feel as if you aren't on this planet for a reason, or that you just can't take one more step. Your life matters, and everything you do in life is for a reason. You are beautiful, and you are loved. You are worthy.