Dear Trump,
I am a white female and I will not call you my president.
You are not the person I voted for in the 2016 election and I am not sorry.
You are unfit to be president and you are certainly unfit to run the country. I cringe when I even think about you doing such a thing.
I shouldn't have to fear my future the way I do. I shouldn't have to fear the lives of other, some being my closest friends.
I watched others cry when you were announced president on Tuesday night. I, myself, cried. We're scared.
Other countries are laughing at us. Other countries fear for us, and boy do I wish I could pack my bags and move. We weren't joking when we said "if trump becomes president, we're moving to Canada." If only this was easier to do.
You're against gays, trans, blacks, Latinos, Muslims, even females, and do I have to keep going?
You're a disgusting and ignorant BOY. It's sad that I've seen many young boys who are way more mature than you.
Where is your respect? People say they're voting for you because you have balls? Yeah, right. Being disrespectful and rude does NOT at all mean you have balls. I don't want to think of my president this way.
I would never want my kids to look up to someone like you.
And your slogan "Make America Great Again," is not a good one. America is already great, we just need some small improvements. But most of all, your slogan does not fit you because you will NOT make america great again. You wanna turn back to the time when everyone was racist and when women had no rights.
The fact that people compare you to Hitler is terrifying.
What really blows my mind is that so many people continue to support you and your rights. I will gladly stand up and say I am not one of them.
You aren't a politician, you're a bad businessman. You have little knowledge of presidency.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to fail, but I don't believe you have what it takes to be president.The point is, we shouldn't have to feel this way about our "president." I will try my hardest to see the good in you, but until then, I will not call you my president.
Sincerely, a Nasty Woman.