If I could change the way I thought before, I would have kept you out of my life.
I love your family, and I love all the good times we had together. But I don’t like the way you left.
You left me with no answers and no good reasoning.
You thought that you were the greatest thing to come into my life. You were fun while you lasted but I can assure you that you’re not the best thing in my life, because I am.
Because of you, I’ve experienced true pain.
I’ve realized my own self worth, and realized that you don’t control my happiness.
Yes things were tough when you first left, but they’re better now and they’re better without you.
I live my life for me, not to please anyone else. I was put on this earth to make myself happy, not anyone else.
I hope everything works out for you, and I hope you find your own happiness instead of fishing it out of everyone else’s lives. But for now, I’m sure you’ll continue to steal other’s happiness, but I know it won’t be mine.
I know my worth, and I know you are not worth ruining my happiness.