If someone were to ask you how you were right now would your answer be, “I’m fine? Nine times out of ten we answer with those small two words that don’t even come close to how we really feel. This just seems to be our go to answer when we want to fake, ignore, neglect, and evade how we really feel. Instead of burdening someone else with our trials and struggles, we put it away and hope it disappears. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes if we really try hard enough we can make some problems disappear, but with the one’s that seem to consume us, we have to find a way to let those out.
So why do we do that? Why do we tell people we are fine when in reality, our life is crumbling before us and we don’t know how to build ourselves back up? Why do we try to forget about our worries and pretend like they are not even there? Maybe you don’t have anyone you think you can talk to truthfully. Maybe you feel like you are being judged. Maybe you feel like you are burdening someone else with more problems. Or maybe, one of your friends actually told you to quit calling them with your problems. If any of these are you, I have the ultimate solution and it’s one you’ll definitely want to explore.
What if I told you that there was one person in this entire universe that actually wanted to hear about your struggles and your worries. What if I told you that there is such a thing as someone actually wanting to help you and are willing to do anything it takes? Sounds pretty amazing right? Well lucky for you, this person does exist. And to top things off, He died for you. He died for your worries and your struggles and your problems. How insane is that? Off the top of your head, name one person without a shadow of a doubt would risk their own life to take just your worries away. You can’t.
Stop pretending that you are fine, when in reality you just want to give up. You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, uncertain, confused, damaged, hurt, depressed, broken. What are you going to do about it? Tell it to God. Let it out and let it out loud. God will hear you and in His time, He will heal you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done. God will never leave or forsake you. We spend too much of our time trying to impress other people and we consistently let the world label us. We are so addicted to everyone else’s opinion of us that we are blind to the fact that God sent His only Son to die for us so we wouldn’t have to worry or struggle.
The next time someone asks you how you are, what are you going to do? Are you going to fake, ignore, neglect, or even evade your feelings? Or are you going to let the One who loves us most, heal you? No, you are not fine. Tell your problems to God.