There are those who value power, money and any other self-interest endeavors, over rights for all.
There are those who fight for the greater good of humanity, who fight for not only their rights, but for the rights of their fellow human beings.
Then there are those who only speak out in times of conflict, when it affects them negatively. Unfortunately, there exists a multitude of people just like them.
In the lives of private citizens, they may be our classmates, acquaintances, even close friends. In the public eye, they will be celebrities who only speak out when it is to their advantage.
In this case it is a celebrity, a celebrity by the name of Caitlyn Jenner.
Caitlyn Jenner is a transgender woman, a part of the famous Kardashian clan. When she came out as a transgender woman to the public eye, many applauded her, myself included. I thought it would be great for the LGBTQ community, especially the transgender community, to have someone in such a high position of power and influence, like Caitlyn herself.
However, it has been years since Caitlyn has started addressing herself as Caitlyn, and while I applaud her for living her life the way she wants to, she is an example of the selfish people in this world.
A transgender woman who knowingly voted and supported for Donald Trump, has only now decided to speak against the Celebrity-in-Chief (name courtesy of Charlamagne tha God), when he hit an area close to home for her.
Trump has recently rescinded the bill that allows transgender students to use the bathroom of choice. When Trump placed a ban on multiple Muslim countries, when he called Mexicans rapists, when he made derogatory comments against women, where was Caitlyn?
How can she be shocked and surprised at Trump rescinding a bill that protects transgender students, given the commentary he made throughout his campaign.
Although I am not a part of the LGBTQ community myself, I do not want to see my fellow human beings suffer, I do not want to see their rights taken away from them, it hurts me just like it hurts them.
Although I will not be affected by Trump rescinding bill, I am going to speak out against it, I am speaking out against it. I find discriminatory, and I find it incredibly insulting that one of his reasons for overturning his bill is to protect young girls and women.
If he really wanted to protect girls and women, he would have never said he can “grab us by the pussy”, he would not speak in a shameful way regarding his daughter Ivanka.
We are not alone in this world.
It baffles me that people can only preoccupy themselves with problems that affect them. Where is the empathy, where is the humanity?
It is rather ignorant to live in this world thinking your problems are the only ones that matter.
Black Lives Matter should not just matter to Black people, but to all races.
The LGBTQ community should have as much support from those outside their community as they do from the ones inside their community.
Our voices, our struggles are more likely to be heard and to receive a reaction if we work together.
By having opposing agendas, we can so easily be knocked down.