This past week I was struck with the most terrible news. News that left me completely speechless. News that tore through my heart strings and reeling with questions. A boy who was only 20 years old, who attended the same university as me, and who was well respected and loved by so many decided to take his life.
Hearing this broke my heart. To think that there are so many people in the world who feel so low and sad inside they go as far as taking their own life is heart breaking. I wish people would stop feeling shame for suffering from depression. I wish they knew that it is okay to admit you are not okay. I wish they knew that confiding in others and seeking help is not a sign of weakness. I wish they knew they are not alone.
So often people endure emotional pain and suffering in hiding. They suppress the sadness they feel inside to the point where it consumes them. And I wish they would stop. Stop enduring the pain in hiding. Stop self-loathing and feeling shame for the way you are. Stop suffering in silence.
No one is perfect and everyone has their flaws, some more severe than others. But that is okay because that is what makes us human. So I send this message as a reminder to anyone who suffers from depression or any other type of mental illness. You are not weak. You are not worthless. You are not in this fight alone.
Regardless of the loneliness you feel inside, know that there are people there for you, rallying behind you every step of the way. Do not think for a second that you are in this battle alone. Millions of us are right there beside you battling the same demons as you day in and day out.
So speak up, seek help, and above all never feel shame for who you are. You are only human.
Health and WellnessOct 04, 2016
In Case You Needed It Today: You Are Not Alone
You are only human.