"You are nobody until you have somebody."
I heard that in a recent single released this past Friday for "New Music Friday" on Spotify. The words made me stop and think.
What a lie. A perfect example of something the world screams to distract us from heaven.
The song went on to talk about how there is no purpose in life until you have someone loving you and you love them. It is centered around the idea that our life end goal is the have THAT relationship. I feel like often times this is how the world wants to make me feel. It presses sadness because I am not checking off the list of what it looks like to have it all together. It whispers that once I am just married, then life is going to smooth out. There is so much more to it though.
I am here to tell you today that it is true. You are nobody until you have somebody.
Without Jesus I am NOTHING.
He makes me everything that I am because His love and His grace have changed my life forever. He loves me aside from my messiness, and that is the only way that I can be even a little bit "good." He CREATED me so in Him I find everything that I am.
A boyfriend isn't going to make you somebody. A girlfriend isn't going to make you someone. We can go even further than the realm of relationships and say a job isn't going to make you somebody. Jesus designed you, so carefully He crafted you, to be someone without an earthly someone. You have a purpose within yourself.
Don't read this and think that I am trying to be critical of relationships because I'm not. They are a great ministry when you realize that TOGETHER you can pursue the Lord, challenge one another, and make a difference for the Kingdom. How beautiful and how sweet that it is to have that opportunity. The mindset that we have is what is the game changer. If another person is where we are placing our self-value and our worth than we have it all wrong.
Nothing, not an individual or a thing, is going to be able to fill us up as Christ does. Don't get down and out on yourself because you feel like you aren't following the world. Going against the pattern of the world is the best thing to do at the end of every day. If we listen to its whispers, then we are going to become just like it, but Jesus has called us higher.
He is using you every day of your life.