As we are all in full swing of school, it's easy to lose track of who you are. It's easy to let school overwhelm you, forget what you love to do most and to forget your true value. I know, for me at least, that as soon as I get busy I am overwhelmed and don't know how to carry on with my usual personality. It's easy for me to shut myself off to everyone until the stress passes. But the truth is, stress is never going away. It will always be there. It's how you cope with it that molds who you are.
One thing I have to constantly remind myself of is that school is only a small, tiny portion of your life. How you perform on one test is no reason for you to feel down about yourself. It's over; there is nothing you can do about it. You need to assess what happened and move on. You owe it to yourself to move on from it so you can do better the next go around.
Moreover, you need to have time for yourself. Do a little online shopping, run some errands, whatever makes you happy. Time by yourself is so important, and it gives you that reassurance that you are okay. Life will go on. Just time to yourself to reflect on what's going on can be so beneficial.
Also, having good friends that can help you get your mind off of things is always a plus. They will carry on as nothing happened and will want you to as well. They don't have to know what's going on in your personal life. Just being with them will give you that re-humanizing effect. Laughing with your friends, working out, or even just eating a meal together can always turn your day right around.
PAMPER YOURSELF!! I am all about a good hair mask or a face mask whenever things get rough. This also gives you that time to yourself as well, helping you feel good about yourself again. When life gets hard, you are the first person to beat up on. It's easy to think that you are the problem with everything. So when you pamper yourself, you look good, and you feel good. This is more beneficial than anything.
In the grand scheme of life and school, one of the most important things to remember is that you are more than the four years in college or in high school. You have aspirations, hopes, family, and friends that see you as so much more than an ID number or a letter grade. You are a person who has hobbies, a great personality, and there is no other person on this earth who is like you. God made you to be yourself. School (and other life problems) are just a bump in the road. At the end of the day, there is a God that made you in his image, and He thought the world needed someone like you to make it better. You are more than what gossip is said about you, grades, feuds with friends, or whatever other problems are in your life at this time. You are more.