Sold on Amazon, there is a book titled "The 52 Lists Project." It's filled with (you guessed it) 52 lists meant to be filled out each week of the year for inspiration. Each week provides the reader/writer with a prompt they are supposed to respond to. I purchased this book before the start of last year, with the intent on finishing it before the start of 2019. I found that each prompt was stimulating, making you really think about your answers and what they mean to you. The prompts vary from week to week and there is one that I think everyone should have the opportunity to attempt.
You are worth it
It is important to remember that you are worthy of anything and everything. You have qualities and abilities that make you so different from the rest of the world. This is in the best way possible, as there is a reason we are called individuals. I hope that everyone realizes that they are loved by many, for different reasons. The qualities that they choose to acknowledge and emphasize are picked for a reason, no matter how simple or complex they may seem.
These qualities, coming from someone who loves you, can only be good. They would only describe you in the best way possible. You only need to remember these aspects of your life and personality.
List 19: List the ways that someone you love would describe you
While the prompt itself is seemingly very simple, many people, myself included, are not sure how others view them. Even though our loved ones may tell us our best qualities, we generally believe that they're influenced by their bias towards us. Often times, the people who love us are not willing to name our bad qualities, fearing that it will ruin relationships and/or good standings. At the same time, many people, again myself included, tend to look down on themselves. We choose to think only of the negative qualities and how those aspects of our lives need to be changed.
On Amazon, the description of the book states, "Create 52 lists... that will help you discover the beauty, joy, creativity, and power you already have!" The idea that there are positive aspects of our lives that can be seen by others, is often not looked at by us as individuals. The goal of this book is to ensure that you are able to see your best and brightest qualities. It attempts to get each individual who fills out each list to understand that they have the power and ability to do whatever they set their mind to, that they have positive traits that draw others to them.
List 19, the prompt that I feel many people would and do struggle with, justifies this by showcasing the light others seem to see us in.
So, how did I fill this list out myself? If I'm going to be honest, I didn't. This was a list that I left I left blank, for all the possible reasons I stated above. But, that was a year ago when I was struggling to figure out exactly what I wanted to do in life and how I could make a difference. At this time, I was having a hard time telling universities exactly why I should be accepted into their Class of 2022, so there should be no doubt that I had a hard time with this. If I couldn't see myself in a good light, how could I see how others view me? It just was not going to happen.
But, as a college student who has made friends from literally everywhere and anywhere, I think that I should go back and fill out this list. While how many loved ones you have does not matter, that number has gone up in my case with these people voluntarily telling me on a day to day basis that they love me and why. I've gone from that shy insecure little girl to someone who can see why others enjoy her company. I use these qualities to my advantage, particularly in helping others and raising their spirits.
Now, I challenge you as readers to create your own list. Each and every one of you deserve to understand that you are loved by so many people for various reasons. There is a reason that the basis of each of your relationships differs from one another. The people who love you, do so for similar and or different reasons, seeing you in their own light. They believe in certain qualities that you possess and love you for you. So, like I said, fill this list out no matter how complicated or difficult it may seem.