"You don't need anyone's affection or approval in order to be good enough. When someone rejects or abandons or judges you, it isn't actually about you. it's about them and their own insecurities, limitations, and needs, and you don't have to internalize that. Your worth isn't contingent upon other people's acceptance of you -- it's something inherent. You exist, and therefore, you matter. you're allowed to voice your thoughts and feelings. You're allowed to assert your needs and take up space. You're allowed to hold onto the truth that who you are is exactly enough." - Daniell Koepke
The truth is, we live in a world that is both beautiful and cruel. Society is constantly publicizing a false image of what perfection is, of what is and isn't popular, and it's easy to find yourself struggling to meet those near-to-impossible standards. We all spend too much time trying to find ways to please others, because we think that we will in turn please ourselves. We spend way too much time with our hearts broken and our heads down that we never allow ourselves the chance to look up and see that there is still beauty surrounding us. We waste all our precious time putting ourselves down instead of stopping to see all that we are as individuals, and to realize that we are all "good enough".
You. Yes, you. You are enough, I promise. Say it to yourself, every day, every night. Say it in your sleep. Paint it on the backs of your eyelids, on your bathroom mirror. Form it into a daily mantra that carries you through the day, reminding you of your value and importance.
Remember that your self worth is not based on what you look like, what the scale says, how many followers you have, or any other meaningless garbage that has absolutely nothing to do with who you are as a person. Love yourself. Be good to yourself. Do what makes youhappy, not what something or someone else says will make you happy. Wear red lipstick, or wear walmart-brand chapstick. Eat an entire pizza, or order a salad. Wake up at 5:30, or sleep until noon. Do your squats, or don't. Whatever you do, do you.
Never forget that you can start later than everyone else, look different from everyone else, be uncertain when everyone else seems to know exactly what they're doing, and still succeed. It doesn't matter what your peers, parents, coaches, teachers, significant others, or any other human being on this earth says, because you will never be able to please everyone. What matters is pleasing yourself and living the life you love, knowing that just because you have a bad day, doesn't mean you have a bad life. You may make mistakes, but you will own them, and you will learn from them. You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.
"Love yourself, embrace your flaws, and never let the opinions of others affect your self confidence. You are enough." - Bethany Mota