I am selfish. I am inconsiderate. I am judgmental. I am critical of myself and others. I am prideful. I don't always think before I speak. I make dumb decisions.
I could list millions of awful things that I'm guilty of and easily prove to you that I'm unforgivable. As that never-ending list of my flaws and weaknesses runs through my mind, I realize how far deep I am in sin. My true identity gets lost amongst the lies far too often, with the biggest lie being that I am unforgivable, and that you are, too.
Romans 3:23 states that we all have sinned and fall short of God's glory. We all have thoughts or actions from our pasts that we're ashamed of and things that we don't want people to know we struggle with. While we know that everyone faces tough obstacles in life, we still walk around pretending that we're the exception and that we have nothing wrong with us. We try to sweep our dirt as far under the rug as possible and believe that, maybe, if we hide our sins and avoid dealing with them, no one will be able to sense how broken we really are.
But we are broken. I am broken. And actually, I hope everyone can see how broken I truly am.
Wait, what? Why do I want my brokenness to be apparent to my friends, family and even those who are strangers to me?
I want people to know that I'm broken BECAUSE,
" God shines through the cracks of broken people." -Anita Krizzan
God displays His power through those who are willing to admit that they are broken and who want to be used by Him. I am broken. But I am a broken vessel, and you are, too.
You are loved. You are redeemed. You are forgivable, AND you have already been forgiven.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."