Psalm 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
I've heard this scripture multiple times, seen it posted on pinterest boards, instagram posts, etc. But what does God really mean when he says YOU are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made? Two strong and powerful words. As the semester has come to an end I have discovered how many times I needed to remind myself of this very verse! I sometimes look over what God is really trying to tell me especially when things get tough. No matter how your semester may have ended God wants you to soak up those words. So today I had my last two finals of the semester and I can not say it has been a piece of cake, that would certainly not be true. But one thing I discovered was that God see's things in me that I can't see in myself. That is the key here. God doesn't expect you or I to understand that, but what he does expect is for you and I to trust him. When I think I can not possibly go any farther that is when I hear God speak those words to me "You are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made."
For me the bullying started around my 6th grade year of school. It was truly a brutal experience. Coming home to tears everyday was certainly hard to comprehend especially for a girl of my age. After attending a church revival I had a divine transformation inside of me. One that looked at the enemy as powerless, and one that viewed my God as the mighty warrior who would fight my battles for me. Sitting in school it was sometimes miserable seeing the way the other kids talked and laughed with their friends knowing that mine didn't exist. Continuing into middle school it continued more and more but one thing that didn't continue was the depression. I had a God who fought my battles for me. One that whispered in my ear daily "Kayla don't forget you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made." For me this was truly a game changer. My confidence came back, my self esteem was brought up and by the time I was in high school I realized that no weapon formed against me would prosper! And today I am proud to say that God continues to fight my battles for me.
God uses the word fearfully the same way in this passage of scripture as he would describe in other parts as "fearing the Lord," not meaning afraid but meaning to have a respect for and of God. Therefor when God says you are fearfully made, he means you are full of respect coming from the Lord. It is a totally different kind of respect than you can receive from any earthly intention. It is one of dignity. I like to use this a lot when coming upon unforeseen circumstances. When you get into those circumstances where it seems there is no way out. I have been there and I know you have too. But by having the fear of God bestowed upon your life you can easily look at that situation and say I am FEARFULLY made no weapon formed against me shall prosper!
When God uses the word wonderfully in this scripture he describes how you were formed as a unique and perfect individual that can only be described as the hand of God. One thing I most often see in myself is how when I see my differences from others that don't exactly fit in to the status quo, I get down on myself. I ask questions like why can't I be as pretty as her?, why can't I have that lifestyle?, or why can't I have those friends? It is easy to get caught in this downhill spiral of why me? But the difference is God made you to be you! That is where the wonderfully made comes into play. God created you to have your unique talents and gifts to serve his kingdom! God knows that once you begin to accept this your life starts becoming about his glory and honor instead of the world. That my friends is when you see the transformation happen!
You are Child of God are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made!