First of all, I just want to thank you.
Everyone knows that I am not one to step out of my comfort zone, but for some odd reason, I found the courage to give you a chance. It was not easy, I am going to be honest, I had my doubts, but with you, I know I can be myself. This is something that just came naturally to me and it felt so right. I have never had someone who truly understands and accepts me for the person I am. I never have to hold back or pretend with you.
It is crazy how life has a way of sending you on a journey, only to lead you to where you need to be. I look at your past and my past and they are the complete opposite. I have always been the straight A, good girl and you were the "bad boy," who was always in trouble. But I think you needed to go through that phase to get to where you are now because it makes you appreciate the things you have always had.
I could have been like any other person and judged you for the things in your past, but I chose to see the person you are instead. As we began to talk and get to know each other, my whole perception of you changed. It was weird because I have never felt like that before. All of my doubts went away and all I saw was the person I loved in front of me.
The main thing is to not worry about what others may think, the only opinion that maters is yours. If what you're doing is making you a better person, then by all means go for it. You have to learn that it is okay to do things for you and you only. Living life for others only makes you miserable, always do what makes youhappy.
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."