Something that I have learned over the years is to never rely on anyone else but yourself in order to be and stay happy.
This is not a lesson you are taught in class or by doing research. It is something you discover as you grow into the person you are meant to be. I cannot stress this enough and how important it is to rely on nobody but yourself.
Always. I say this because people are not going to appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. I say this because you should be happy whether you are surrounded by groups of people or sitting in your room by yourself.
I have witnessed many of my loved ones in my life rely on others. Yes, it is nice to have someone by your side that makes you happy and smile and laugh. But, looking at the bigger picture, you have to realize that you are strong enough to make yourself just as happy. Relying on other people to do this for you is such a mind game. You never really know how long the person will be in your life for, or how long they will be willing to be your backbone.
So, because of this, I want to remind you as you are reading this of a couple things.
First, wake up every day and be thankful. Be grateful and smile because you have yet another day here on Earth. I think that often people forget that there is no set time for how long you are put on this planet. So, wake up and name five things you can be thankful for, big or small.
Is the sun shining? Yes. Is my room clean? Yep. Are my loved ones healthy and doing well? Yes.
There are so many things that I can name, but as you can probably guess, the list would go on and on for years. These little reminders can help you realize that you do not need someone to brighten your day. Do it yourself!
Second, make sure those around you feel loved. I know it is hard, especially in today's society to be friendly to others without being judged. But at this point, who cares? Do it anyways. Say hi to the first person you see, hold the door open for those in front and behind you, and compliment as many people as you can.
Again, my list of ideas can go on and on, but doing this can give you a sense of hope and enlightenment. It also will positively impact everyone you cross paths with.
I know these are all random little things, but they are all little things that will give you a sense of empowerment. They are all things that will make you feel happy and excited and proud of the person you have become. They are all little things that will make you realize you do not need anyone but yourself.
Now, I am not saying to drop your friends and those who make you happy. I am just saying that you need to realize god forbid, if for some reason they walked out of your life, you will still be okay. You will still be you. You will still continue to grow and move on with your life. It is important to realize that being you is enough, and I hope that after reading this, you all can agree with me on that.