Have you ever had a bad day? A day that everything you do seems wrong and not good enough? Most of us have and we voice our opinions of ourselves very freely throughout that bad day. We say things like:
"Im having a bad hair day."
"I look so bad today."
"I'm not smart enough."
"I'm never going to amount to anything."
"Look at the bags under my eyes, they are so unattractive."
Or, "This outfit makes me look fat."
And the people around us always respond with:
"You look great!"
"Don't say negative things about yourself."
"You are enough."
"Be confident, you are beautiful."
"We love you just the way you are."
The positive feedback we get makes us feel a little better on days when nothing else is going right. We appreciate the fact that the people around us care about us so much to take time out of their lives and shower us with the words of affection that we desperately need on a bad day. I'm not saying that all we do is feed off of others words of affection but sometimes you need someone to be kind to you. We all do.
This brings me to the other side of the coin.
We all have bad days but we also have good days. Good days are the best days. You feel like you're on top of the world and nothing can stop you. On good days, we also want to express our opinions of ourselves because it's how we feel and we want everyone to know this. So when we are having a great day we might say things like:
"Man, I look good!"
"My hair looks flawless!"
"I studied very hard and I feel like the smartest person in the world."
"I got an A on my exam!"
"I am killing it today!"
I think giving yourself confidence and those words of affection to make you feel good about yourself is the best thing you can do for your wellbeing. I applaud those of you who do this on the daily, and if you don't usually do this, I invite you to try it out and see how much of a difference it will make.
Now, my issue is when you are giving yourself this words of confidence and are sharing what you think of yourself with others and they respond with things like:
"You are so conceited."
"Stop being a show off."
"You sound so snobby."
"Stop trying to sound like you're better than everyone else."
Why do we do this? Why do we want to shut people down like that? I think society, in general, has a hard time accepting that others are allowed to love themselves. We live our lives telling everyone around us that they are good enough; but when they do feel good enough and voice that, we think that they are too full of themselves. We should all be more accepting of those who have confidence and of those who are trying to build their confidence, because if we keep shutting people down when they talk highly about themselves then we are not helping them. We should all be able to love ourselves freely without judgement. After all, we are all made in the image of God and we should all be proud of that.
Remember, we are all wonderful human beings and we have a purpose in this world. So, love yourself.
You are enough.
"Love yourself, whatever makes you different, and use it to make you stand out." -Ross Matthews