Okay, I am not one to get up on my high horse and say I am better than anyone else. The fact is I am not and on that same note there is no one out there that is better than me. We are, for the most part on an equal playing field. It is what we do with the things the events that cross our path from the time of our birth to the time we are on our death bed. I know, some of us were handed a plastic spoon and some of us were born with the silver spoon, this is not what I am talking about today, today we are talking about how we handle situations and how we learn from them.
If you have been reading my work, you know nothing aggravates me more than seeing the same people complain about the same shit over and over and over. It may be a new person, new job, or even a new illness but the same story echoes over and over. It is infuriating the obvious cry for attention and the sudden rush of Facebook friends to comment on how that person is strong and beautiful...blah blah blah ANNOYING! In all honesty, sometimes I want to be that person and just say what I really think about the constant "tears" over guys. SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP. Life is a cruel hard bitch that just screwed you and left you. But alas I am not that mean and heartless, plus for some reason, people think I am nice and I would like that illusion to still stay in tack. But I digress...
Currently, I am struggling with my inner Troll right now to go out of my way to point out some repeated offenders of this whine fest, but I will take this on a general route, as I am sure if you are reading this you can relate with having that one Facebook friend. So here is an open letter of advice to a few repeat offenders on my Facebook timeline I wish I could tell you.
Dear Facebook Cry-For-Attention-Cry-Baby,
In real life, I am a sympathetic person. I really genuinely care about people I talk to and would most certainly lend you my shoulder to cry on. But when I see you over the years making the same comments over and over, it gets old. Have you ever heard about that app called TimeHop? See, it seems like I am commenting on your posts on an annual basis. If I saw that I was doing similar things over and over, personally that would make me sick to my stomach. I wouldn't want everyone to see me as a whiney little brat who needs constant validation.
Let's move on from this though because I don't want this to be misconstrued as a cyber bully. I am not upset that you seek help from your friends, I do the same things but it is that you ask random strangers or people you hardly know to make you feel better. For instance, if you and I talked in High School chances are very good I don't even know who the hell you are anymore. So if I see you breaking up and getting with someone new monthly, generally speaking, I am laughing at my phone and discussing your misfortune with my friends about how stupid you look. HONESTLY, that makes me kind of mad upon introspect. What I wish I could do is tell you that you need to seek some professional counseling to help you with your serial dating and an obious need for self-esteem education.
This leads me to why I am writing this letter. It is true, I am annoyed but it is because I see things the way they are. You the obvious cry for attention sheds light on the need to hear from a person, "Stop it. You are an amazing person you are worth more." But even if I wanted to write that on your timeline it will never be heard. My voice will not reach your ears, like a whisper in a storm, I shan't be heard.
Here is the tough love advice I would give you if we were close (this is just a general opinion that I seem to give people over and over). Stop looking for love. It is the simplest thing to say, I get it, but it is the truth. We need time to grow up and become ourselves. We need time to heal from old wounds. We need time to be confident in ourselves. Shifting the focus from looking to others to fill a void in our heart to filling that void ourselves is important. There is some underlying issue that is causing us to have additions/serial date/spend too much money etc, being able to look at ourselves honestly and fully will help us to become the people we want to be. It was not until I took a long hard look at how my life was wrong and how I was causing it, that was when I started living. Please, I implore you to seek to counsel...seriously I have and it was the greatest thing I ever did. They are not your friends, you can say anything and they are paid not to judge you. It is the best way to control those urges to share your issues with those who need not know your business. Keep some stuff private. Do you honestly want your grandkids to know you date 15 guys in a single month...probably not.
I just want you to know Cry-For-Attention-Cry-Baby , I am here for you. I am not always the nicest and can be a bit brash when it comes to advising. BUT, I do love you as a person, because there is only one you. So find yourself a brash friend, one who will speak the truth and tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear. If we can understand the physiology behind your apparent lack of self-control, we can design interventions and training regimens to get you to improve your self-control and help you feel better. For this you need someone in your corner and telling you the truth, a brash friend can be that for you.
I challenge those of you who read this and sympathize with me, be the brash friend that tells it like it is. There needs to be more of us in the world, that one friend to keep us on a realistic path and helps us to quit being so delusional in our lives. We need to keep being the devil's advocate and question everything. So I challenge you to start speaking out more and challenge your friends more. Speak out and push forward a truthful world rather than the fantasy we have now.