Every morning that the sun rises and you get to rise? That's God saying He believes in you, that He believes in you as a git the world needs.
This is a quote from the book that I have been reading recently, titled 'The Broken Way.' This quote stood out to me the most, stopped me in my tracks, took my breath away. I was sitting at my gate in the airport waiting to fly by myself for the first time when I read those words. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I read over, and over again that God believes in ME. There was something very powerful and profound about those simple words.
Jesus takes our most insecure thoughts and speaks over us with His voice of truth. Whether that's through the Bible, a person, or a book. In a moment of complete vulnerability, Jesus spoke to the most fearful part of my heart and made me brave. What a great truth to know that the God of the whole world believes in YOU! Even when you don't believe in yourself.
There is a question in this book that has prompted some thoughts. How can we believe in ourselves the way Jesus believes in us?
Oof. That is a hard question. Especially since we go through countless moments of tearing ourselves down. While there isn't a set solution to solve all of our insecurities in 5 minutes (Wouldn't that be great though?) We can do this.
We can rehearse the truth of who God says we are every day. I don't mean say it once and leave it at that, I mean truly dwell in these promises. Speak them out loud, write them on mirror, say them 200 times until it sticks in your brain. When these promises stick to your brain you began to let them penetrate your heart.
Some days it's most definitely harder than others to accept the truth of who God says we are, but sometimes we have to speak that over our lives, even when we don't fully believe it ourselves.
Because He is enough for me, I am enough. These words have been an anchor for my soul these past couple weeks. Since school has started, It has been difficult to get back into the swing of things. There are some moments where I have thought to myself
"Can I really do this?"
These are the moments where I know that I need to go to Jesus for my source of affirmation and strength. I know that even in the moments where I can't bring myself to believe in my abilities, Jesus believes in me before I even see the rest of the picture. He's just that good of a Father.