Dear You,
You are beautiful, and you are valued far more than you could ever imagine.
I know it may be hard to hear right now—especially considering the fact that you may be looking in the mirror (literally or metaphorically) contemplating all of the ways in which you feel inadequate. But, just know, that life gets better.
Your clothing size doesn’t indicate your worth.
Your worth is not indicative of how many guys like you.
Your worth doesn’t increase as the length of your dress shortens.
But, your worth doesn’t decrease as the length of your dress shortens either.
You are so important, and you have infinite value that isn’t determined by your money, your clothes, your dating life, your intelligence or even how “pretty” you think you really are.
See, regardless of whether or not you are religious—man did come from somewhere—and man wasn’t created as a means to hierarchy on such trivial grounds.
I know what you’re thinking—how can some stranger on the Internet actually know me or my story? How does she know what I'm worth?
Well, the truth is I don’t know you or your story, but I do know that every human being is created with a purpose so that in and of itself should be enough.
You have a purpose to fulfill while you’re on this planet, and it would be an injustice not to do so.
Maybe you're asking yourself: but, what if I haven’t figured out my calling yet?
That’s even better!
That’s the best reason to embrace who you are and love yourself no matter how much you don’t want to do so.
Some days are easier than others to wake up to and know who I am, where I’m going with my life and my value all at the same time.
But, if you recognize your value and have confidence—the rest will fall into place.
Keep your head up, darling—your tiara is falling.