How often do you and your girlfriends say things such as: “I am too fat!”, “My hair is ugly.”, or “I hate my skin!”? I know I catch myself worrying over my looks every day. I am always fixing my lipstick in the car mirror before I get to a football game, where it will be dark, and nobody will probably even care that I am wearing lipstick... I am constantly checking my hair in my mirrors, or my front camera on my phone.
Nobody calls me fat or ugly or anything in that regard, however, it is just in human nature to feel insecure about our outer appearance. We shouldn’t feel that way, though, because God created us each unique and He sees nothing but beauty when He looks at us. We don’t need to get so wrapped up in our outward appearance.
The people that love you do so because of what is on the inside. They love your attitude and your personality. That has nothing to do with your looks on the outside. The only one we are trying to impress is God, and He wants to see a huge loving heart in us.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
Ladies, the man that you marry one day won’t care what you look like without makeup on, or if you dressed up to go to the grocery store with him or not. He will love you for you, just like God. He will see what is on the inside and that will be what makes him fall in love with you every day.
I am not telling you that you have to stop wearing makeup, or dressing cute on your dinner date because by all means, I love to dress nicely. However, don’t worry yourself sick over what you look like today. Compliment someone, hold the door for someone, smile as you pass others in the hall, and that will make people love you.
I love when people say, “You are just beautiful inside and out!” that makes me smile. It isn’t because they called me pretty, but it is because they see my inward beauty and they love it. I want people to see me and think that I am sweet, rather than think that I am the prettiest girl. I want others to love me for me, not for what I look like, because looks change, but I will always be who I am on the inside.
Proverbs 3:15- “She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”