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You Are Amazing, And 9 Other Lessons

Don’t believe me? Prepare to be inspired

You Are Amazing, And 9 Other Lessons
Janet Coleman-Belin

Disclaimer: I love inspirational quotes. Back in high school, I wanted to print out all of my favorite phrases on cloud-shaped paper and trace the outlines with a silver marker. Though that never actually happened (it wasn’t that I didn’t have time, I just didn’t make it a priority), I still scroll through the images for “inspirational quotes” when I crave encouragement. After finishing my first week back at college, I decided that Odyssey readers could also benefit from motivation. Without further ado, here are 10 nuggets of wisdom from @morselsofhappiness, an Instagram account that posts/reposts uplifting quotes:

1. Life truly is beautiful.

The complexity in structure, design, and function of human beings alone is mind-blowing. Recognizing that life is enchanting evokes a sense of wonder, and it is much easier to stomach your calculus problem set when you’re caught up in life’s beauty.

2. You are amazing.

No one else in the past, the present, or the future has the exact combination of DNA you do (and even if you’re the result of a multiple birth, epigenetics still causes differences in gene expression). Your life experiences lead you to have a unique perspective that everyone can learn from. You are exceptional.

3. Everyone else is also a dynamic and extraordinary individual.

Labeling someone else takes one aspect of who they are and makes that feature the only aspect that defines them. Everyone wants to be accepted, well-liked, and happy. If the Lesson #2 description didn’t convince you that you are amazing, recognizing that EVERYONE has something to offer should remind you that you do, too.

4. There’s a reason why the quote “Laughter is the best medicine,” is a cliché; it’s true!

You can read about all the health benefits of laughing here. A sense of humor makes even the worst moments tolerable. Let yourself laugh and have fun; life is better when it’s enjoyable.

5. Being grateful for what you have allows you to maintain a realistic perspective.

Think about it: if you are able to view this article online, chances are you have a lot to be thankful for. Of course having a thousand reasons to smile does not change the fact that you’ve been given a hundred reasons to cry, but the rationale for happiness far outweighs the rationale for sadness.

6. Life is all about perspective.

Realize that you have control over your thoughts and your actions. There will likely be moments in your life when everything seems to be headed toward disaster, but if you learn how to find joy in those dark times, you can overcome anything.

7. 2016 is a new year.

While remembering and learning from history is helpful, dwelling on and/or attempting to relive the past is counterproductive. Keep driving your story forward.

8. Carpe diem! Seize the day!

I know we’ve all heard this before, but you can seriously do anything you set your mind to. Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun do the impossible.” A glorious sense of possibility is your new best friend; where there’s a will, there’s a way.

9. You’re not perfect, and you never will be.

We humans are inherently flawed. So, in the event Lesson #8 fails, at least you tried. I’m still struggling to accept this one, so much so that I had to completely reevaluate my definition of failure. My new working definition is that failure is giving something everything you have, but still falling short. And if you’ve given something your all, at least you can acknowledge that you tried. Success is rewarded more than failure in our society, but truly learning from failures (and trust me, you can learn something from every shortcoming) will lead to success in more realms than one. Life is all about trial-and-error.

10. Inspirational quotes are empowering because they hold you accountable for all that you think, say and do.

The key to a fulfilling and successful life is placed into your hands, and your hands alone. Having choices is positively delicious, and once you seize control of your thoughts, paradigms and actions, you give yourself the power to choose.

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