We live in a society where busy is good. Productivity is expected. Having these implicit social norms constantly be thrown at us, I think we sometimes forget... that we are allowed to rest.
In fact, rest is a good thing, a really good thing. It rejuvenates and refreshes us, allowing our brains that our constantly working, to just have a few mindless, collective moments.
As a college student and someone who is involved in greek life, a campus ministry, a writer for the Odyssey, enrolled in 18 credits, and attempts to have a social life, rest can seem like something that is out of reach at times. Even in those few moments a day I do have to my self, I find my self trying to fill them with constant tasks, not allowing my self a second to just breathe and relax.
I have to literally say out loud to my self sometimes, "Marissa, it is OK to relax. It is okay to say no to going out tonight." or "Marissa, you cannot take another thing on right now." It's hard, especially if you're anything like me and hate to say no.
My first semester of college was really hard and full of sicknesses, and one big factor of that was that I was lacking on rest. Sleep and rest affect our health. We often think about achieving the eating healthy lifestyle or going to the gym more often, yet we never strive to rest more.
As a society, we need to stop putting pressure on the idea of productivity.
We make the idea so black and white, either your productive or not. Yet, we forget that each individual has a different work load, different struggles, and life circumstances.
We compare ourselves to our friends, co workers, and peers. Maybe you're having a rough week, show your self some grace and know that you may be a little slower doing your homework or completing the task at work.
In fact, when we do rest more and get a better night's sleep, studies show how it improves our performance.
We need to learn to cut ourselves off when needed.
Time management is definitely a skill that is needed as a college student. Don't get me wrong, being productive and managing your busy life is not a bad thing, it's a great thing. However, in your time management, you have to ask yourself, "Have I set a time for me to rest? Does this allow me to attain the amount of sleep I need to give my best performance?" Learn when to call it a night, even if that means you don't go out on Friday night with friends or finish every little thing on your two page to do list.
We strive to live our best lives, but we can't reach that life, if we don't allow ourselves to rest.
Stop letting the idea of productivity, turn you into a workaholic, and embrace a lifestyle that appreciates rest.