I do not think Americans should be turning heads from the major fissures forming in our country. I think we should be facing them head-on and facing them together. Forget about whose side you're on and look at the facts: we're being torn apart and fast.
However, instead of unifying, majorities and minorities alike are looking for more reasons to hate one another. Even the smallest of things, before we even get to the larger issues, people are tearing each other down group by group. For example: "Pokemon Go."
I don't play the game myself, but I have many friends who do. They are enjoying themselves. Virtual as it may be, an entire generation is able to relive a big part of its childhood, and people are able to enjoy it together. If they made something like this for "Pac-Man," then there would probably be older generations out all night in search of virtual white tracks, Pinky and Blinky. And the '90s kids wouldn't be complaining. They'd be playing, too.
The second thing I saw too much of this week was people shaming others for indulging in celebrity drama. I saw numerous tweets to the tune of, "If you care about Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift, then you need to realize we have bigger problems in the world."
I am fully aware of what's going on in my country, but I've also known that T. Swift was a snake since 2006, so I'm glad Kim showed us all the light.
For the haters, I have one question, "Do you think you are the only person educated on and aware of current nation and world events?"
I have the answer for you, "You aren't."
I will watch every series of "Real Housewives" for days and still be able to debate politics with you.
I don't think humans can thrive on negativity. We need each other, and we need positive vibes. Let others enjoy themselves. Learn to enjoy yourself, too. It's a depressing world if you're bogged down in the bombings, shootings and killings. Those things are definitely reality, but that doesn't mean you have to soak your brain in them every day.
Remember how much it sucked when you found out Santa Claus wasn't real? Remember how much you wanted to punch the kid who ruined it for you? Yeah, don't be that kid to other people. About anything.
Because here's the thing. If we can't be cool with people reacting to trivial celebrity fights, then how can we expect to stick together in our own national fights? If you want to revel in "Pokemon Go" players tripping and falling into holes, then how do you feel about people outside of your socioeconomic category?
Life is short and America has a long road ahead with all we have going on. Take a deep breath and laugh a little. That's the only way we can survive. Be happy!