When you go through a break up, do you automatically forgive them? I do not mean loving them again or wanting to be with them again. I mean like, could you greet them in public like you use to? It may never be the same, but are you actually OK with it being the same ever again? I know I'm not. I know I'm not the nicest person, but I will probably always forgive someone. But will I ever forget what they did to me? However, with guys it is different for me. If my boyfriend was talking to someone else while we were together or broke up with me and was just a complete jerk to me, would I forgive him? Honestly? I probably would because I'm that type of girl. But at this point in my life, I'm not as forgiving as I use to be.
Look at it this way, are you OK with "I'm sorry" and "It won't happen again, baby" excuses? When it happens over and over again? No. I'm in that boat right now..for over a year. I may end up being able to see you in public, but I can bet I will end up walking the other way. Realizing you had to change who you were for the other person and realizing that you only have yourself in the end. I will never forgive them if I have to change myself to their liking. So why can't I forgive? I can't forgive because in the end you only have yourself and you only need yourself and family.
You don't need someone in your life that is on the verge of hurting you or has already hurt you and keeps repeating themselves. It may sound selfish, but would you rather forgive someone else for changing you or forgive yourself in the end by not letting someone in your life completely? Just remember do you, do everything for you, no one else. Make yourself happy, don't rely on other people for your happiness, and just remember you are all you have. Forgive when you can, forget what you can, and love yourself as much as you can.