YOLO, for those of you who may live under a rock, is an acronym that stands for “You Only Live Once.” It is a sentimental expression about the fact that we only have one life to live and we should live it to the fullest and without regret. However, our fabulous generation of adults who are scared of their own emotions recognizes the term completely differently. YOLO is a fun expression that I have admittedly used on multiple occasions, but, for us, it represents a cover for our generation’s fear of making mistakes.
If you look up #YOLO on any social media site, you will find an array of different activities that people are coming up with to describe how they are spending the one life they treasure so dearly. Whether or not our generation takes the term seriously, we are leaving behind an embarrassing 21st century form of the bucket list.
In bold, below, are examples of how the hashtag and expression are used daily on Twitter. I included my personal feelings towards the tweets in italics.
“Looking ratchet for class today #whocares #YOLO”
Wouldn’t want to miss out on looking ratchet. Bet you’re glad you got that one taken care of.
“Test at 8AM tomorrow, still going out #frat #YOLO”
You’re probably underage and still in high school.
“Couldn’t decide on one bagel, so I got two #goingforthree #YOLO”
No way, do you happen to have a picture? (Of course they do).
“Spent my life savings at the bar last night #cantpaytuition #YOLO”
At this point…here is $5. Please stop tweeting. And going to the bars.
The sad truth is, if you went to class looking ratchet once, you’re probably going to do it again…so #YOLO does not apply here. This may come as a shock, but the term is actually misused majority of the time. When there is something you want to accomplish so badly in your "one life," it should be worth more than a hashtag. At the least, put it on a bucket list so you can cross it off. Think about the next time you YOLO something…is it something that you would be proud to say you did in your life? Would you want to put it on a bucket list? Is it something you would want to tell your children?
The lovely men who are a part of the SNL-inspired group Lonely Island made a song mocking the term. In their song titled “YOLO,” they describe the term as “the battle cry of a generation.” You read my mind, boys.
YOLO is just an excuse to act like an idiot and pretend your acts that would otherwise be considered inexcusable or inappropriate are socially accepted because you threw a #YOLO at the end of your sentence. If you only live once, then why are you purposefully making bad decisions…or even worse, making a fool of yourself?
In case you haven’t heard the song for yourself, I’ll leave you with more inspiring words from the boys of Lonely Island:
“YOLO, say no no.
Isolate yourself
And just roll solo
Be care-folo
You oughta look out.
Also stands for YOLO”