Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
YOLO has become a common phrase in the United States and it is an acronym known as "you only live once" (Drake, maybe?). Teens, children, even adults say the phrase before they make a not so rational decision. This may or may not have a positive impact on people's lives but that's not the point.
The other day was Valentine's Day and for some people that means absolutely nothing. Valentine's Day is known as the day of love. Chocolates, roses, bears, and jewelry are all material items that are used on the day for people to express their love. People tend to get very caught up in these materials items and trying to impress their significant other on Valentine's Day, I'm guilty of this just as much as the next person.
This Valentine's Day I had a revelation. While I was driving to my hometown to eat dinner with one of my friends and I thought of the phrase YOLO. I began to think about what the phrase means, its limits, and how you can change the phrase since it is, indeed, an acronym. Being Valentine's Day, I thought of love. You only love once. My mind immediately filled with rushing thoughts of how we only get this one life and this one chance to express our love.
The Bible says that we should love everyone. Love should be expressed to everyone, not just those who we are close with. Everyone struggles to show love to those we don't know and even the ones we do. But if we all love unconditionally, with no bounds, no matter what happens, we can show how Christ is living within us. Love can be expressed in many different ways, from a simple smile when someone looks down to telling someone we are praying for them in times of need. When God sent His son to die for all of our sins, He was expressing His love for us. We should express our love for others the way that God shows us His love.
Though you may not think of love when you think of YOLO, it is important to love just the same. To feel loved is one of the greatest feelings and it is important to show everyone that they are loved. If the world loves endlessly, then we can change the world and show everyone how the Lord's love works.