I hope these will help y'all like they're starting to help me! Also, try picturing you're on a tropical beach :)
1. Tree pose
Bring left foot to the right foot's inner thigh, and hold with your hands in a prayer pose.
2. Child's pose
Tuck your feet behind you and kneel, then extend your arms out as far as you can.
3. Cobra
Touch your hips to the floor, and lift up your chest with your arms. Hold!
4. Mountain pose
With this pose, you want to remember that you're being held up by a string--remember to lift up your chest and press the tops of your shoulders down.
5. Bridge pose
Lie down with feet hips' width apart, then use your core to lift your butt.
6. Cat/Cow Pose
Position hands and knees on the floor, alternating between lifting back towards the ceiling, and arching back towards the floor.
7. Corpse pose
Lay on your back and rest your arms along your side, palms up.