In today's world it may be easy to become stressed out and overwhelmed. One of the most effective ways to de-stress is yoga/meditation. Here are a few yoga postures that can be done anywhere, by anyone. Relax and unwind in the comfort of your own home with these five poses.
(Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Start on all fours and slide one knee forward while pushing the opposite hip back. Slide your straight leg back, as far as comfortable. Your other leg should be perpendicular with the body. You may go down on to your forearms if you are comfortable there. You should feel a deep stretch in your glutes.
Corpse Pose
Lie on your back with your legs flopped open and your arms at your sides. Your palms should be facing up and your breathing should be natural. Allow your body to be heavy, and sink into the floor. Relax all the muscles in your body, release the tension. Breathing techniques and progressive muscle relaxation may be combined with Savasana. This pose is usually done last in the sequence.
Child's Pose
Begin in a table top position, on your hands and knees. Spread your knees wide apart and keep the insides of your feet together. Depending on chest size, some may need to spread their knees even farther apart. Fall forward placing your torso in between your thighs, with your arms stretched forward. You will feel a stretch in your hips, thighs, and ankles.
Legs Up the Wall
(Viparita Karani)
Begin lying flat on the floor next to a wall. Extend your legs up the side of the wall, and bring your sit bones down, the backs of your legs are flush with the wall. Relax all your muscles, and lay with palms face up, just like in Savasana. Use caution when rolling out of this position too quickly as some may be lightheaded.
Supine Knee Twist
(Jathara Parivartanasana)
Begin lying flat on your back. Bring the knees tightly into the chest and hold. While exhaling, bring both knees to one side, extend your arms out to the sides. After holding, bring the knees back to center and repeat on the other side. This posture is good for lower back tension.
Breath is one of the most important parts of yoga. Focusing on your breathing just like in meditation, will help to clear your mind and release stress. During each of these postures you should be taking long, deep breaths. Your breathing should not be shallow or quick, but much like the breathing of a person while they are asleep. With practice and mindful breathing, gradually your mind and body will become more relaxed with each posture.