What does one think about when the word “yoga” comes to mind? Is it a hobby manifested from countless New Year’s resolutions to become more physically fit or is it a completely different type of lifestyle? I’ve stared at the spongy material that composes my yoga mat wondering those exact words as I tried to imagine with detail the exact pose that the instructor is trying to get my mind and body to bend into.
I think personally it’s more than just a hobby. Instead, it seems to embody a completely different meaning that holds true to itself that it is in fact an art form. Yoga, from my understanding, is a way to appreciate one’s body and soul as a temple that needs nourishment.
Originating long ago in India, yoga represents itself as a discipline that one may use to remedy mental, physical and even emotional needs. It deals with the essence of spirituality and is a link of sorts between the earth and one’s body. Even thinking about the practice in my own mind, I find myself wanting to find time to practice the art. It offers a flood-like release of physical and mental strain that can build up over time and receives it as an outlet to vanquish negative energy and replace it with a reminder that prosperity is only a few even breaths away.
If I were me 10 years ago I never would have even pursued actively doing yoga, but time changes things. Stress happens, life sucks and sometimes you just need to breathe. In my own experience, yoga has been a huge way for me to let go of a lot of unnecessary pain and slowly transition to no longer tolerating negative vibes. If one were to come up to me and ask why I did this amazing exercise, I would have to say is all about deep breaths. Yoga utilizes deep breathing more than any other exercise that I’ve ever done. It’s a tool to make even the most panicked and fearful person calm, and it has certainly worked its charm on me.
I would say that even if somebody wants to do yoga and is able to find time that they make time in their week to practice. Sometimes we all get so caught up in our day-to-day activities and work and such that we forget to take time for ourselves, and that’s what yoga is. It is a gift for our minds and bodies and is something that should not be taken lightly. We all need a minute out of all the other minutes we give to everyone else. Even if in that one minute you can’t strike he yoga pose or be a champion at “downward dog," it’s OK to just practice breathing and understanding that we are only moments. Moments come and go, and we just dwell within them stepping further and further into newer futures. So I say buy that yoga mat, and if you don’t know how to do it, YouTube is bae.