Back in July, I was feeling very disenchanted and I had begun to lose my sense of direction. I spent days swimming, drinking, and overeating.
I noticed what my body looked like and I was very displeased. I had let myself go. I had let myself get lost in the idea of being in love and feeling never good enough.
I was at the point of giving up on getting healthy. I had remembered hearing about hot yoga and wondering what I could do for me. So I then decided to give it a try and see what I could do with this opportunity.
Let me tell you, it changed my life.
I gave up drinking for an entire month and I decided to start eating better. I ended up dropping twenty pounds in the course of a month from all of this work. It has changed my perspective on my parts of my life.
I'm extremely thankful that I was able to find this practice at the time I did. It has allowed me to learn about myself along with my physical and mental health.
The way that it allows you to calm your mind and silence the issues in your daily life, allows for an opportunity for change. It allows you to connect with others around you who are in their practice in total silence.
The yogi tribe is a special gift that I will be so grateful that I found. Yogis come in all shapes and sizes.
Everyone is understanding and kind towards one another. Yogis help each other to grow in their practices and help each learn about themselves each day.
The light and love that I have learned from yoga is something that will be carrying me through life.
It helps me learn that each day is a gift and that growing each day is a special gift for each person in their own way.
Thank you yoga,
You are a special gift that came to me at such a crucial time.