Yoga is a beautiful thing. Yoga is a form of meditation, it is a form of prayer, and even a form of growth. What yoga has done for me and my soul is wonderful. I do not even know where to begin. Things like this are hard for me to write about, becasue they are so sacred to me, and they help me so much. However that is what gives me the courage to write about it, because I know that things like yoga will help anyone, who is going through any life difficulty. I think we all think that no one understands us, or that "people are just assholes, or worthless." "They only care about themselves." I know I have trouble thinking like this sometimes, and I am sure you do too.
I think it is important to realize that thoughts like those, are hurtful, to the person thinking it. It is a form of depending on others, and what you see around you to shape how you see yourself, and feel. All through life you will meet people who are afraid to be themselves. They take it out on others, call them fat, look at what they "should" be doing, reflect on their own lives and know that they are doing it "right". That is all a waste of time, becasue in all reality, no one knows. That is a beautiful thing.
Yoga has taught me to go within myself, to trust myself. It has taught me to care less about social norms, about what makes my family happy, or how they can "look good" (or even socially acceptable). These are all things I know people struggle with. Yoga is a great tool to let those thoughts be challenged. Yoga was