I love Yik Yak. I wish I didn’t love it so much while I am
studying or trying to go to bed, but I do. It has everything Twitter does, but
with all of the pure, unadulterated honesty that comes with no one knowing who
you are. While I am one of the more tame yakkers, I do get a kick out of the
crazy things other people say, and I relish in the upvotes of some of my more
clever yaks. And when one makes it onto the “hot” feed? Winning! By the way, my record is 215. It’s chill, though.
No one knows who you are. It is great. You can yak
whatever you want and it doesn’t matter, right? Wrong. In my humble opinion, it does matter. And that is why Yik
Yak can really get under my skin.
I love college and the friendly people I meet everywhere. I
love that when I walk past someone they look up and smile, even if we were both
checking our phones as we pass by each other. And that is why I yakked this
last week: “I find it so odd that people here are so nice in person and
so downright mean on Yik Yak.”
This is not Carolina exclusive. I have “peeked” into other
schools’ yaks and seen the exact same mentality. The attitude that no one can
see who yakked this, so who cares what I say?
I want to thank whoever yakked back at me for giving me the
idea for this article. He/she said: “You find it odd that people are mean on an anonymous site?
Where have you been your whole life.”
I replied, “The real you is the you when no one is around.
So maybe odd is the wrong word. Rather, I find it sad that people are only nice
when their reputation is at stake. Where have you been your whole life?”
Okay, so I got a little sassy. But I was just tired of it. I
don’t see why people feel the need to be snarky. What if your
comment offends the yakker, whose yak you replied to? Or at degrades their self-esteem? Remember, it was Thumper’s mother who said: “If you
can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”
It doesn’t happen on Twitter because a person’s comment is
stuck like glue to his or her Twitter handle. Compare your yaks to your
Twitter. On which site are you kinder? I am all for yakking something
embarrassing that you yourself did, or making a terrible joke with the comfort
of confidentiality. Ragging on yourself is cool. Ragging on someone else who
did not ask for it, is not.
Don't get me wrong. Yik Yak is hysterical and a favorite of
mine when I need some mind-numbing laughter. It is wonderful for making you feel
better after you walk out of a killer exam and everyone is blowing up Yik Yak
with “RIP my grade,” or “Time to curl up in a ball and cry, who wants to join?”
In the stress-filled world of college, it makes you feel not so alone. You get
all fuzzy inside when you see a yakker gush about how much he or she loves
Chapel Hill or how much he or she hates DOOK (the only less-than-kind yak I approve
Yik Yak has some solid entertainment value. But as the wise
Albus Dumbledore once said, “Use it well.”