When is it going to be my turn?
When am I going to have the things that everyone else has?
When am I going to get that job, that car, that love, that happiness?
When am I going to feel like I am important? That I am good enough? That I am worth it?
These questions continue to pile up and up until a breaking point is felt.
These questions take away sleep, an appetite, a will to keep moving forward.
These questions crush and destroy.
And yet,
These questions build and form.
These questions bring peace, hunger, and the ability to let go.
These questions continue to build a foundation until a drive is found.
You see, one day you will have your turn.
One day you will have more than what everyone else has.
One day you will have that job, that car, that love, that happiness.
However, today you are important.
You are good enough.
You are worth it.
Don't ever allow the materialism in this world define who you are because you are worth more than you could ever imagine.