"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."
-Philippians 4:6
The power of prayer is something we often take for granted or even limit. It isn't that we think God can't do something, we're just not sure He will. So we give ourselves an out, a third or fourth option when we pray that takes away all possibility of getting our hopes up or getting let down.
We say things like "if it be your will" or "Lord, be in this situation." While these things are perfectly good to say and can sometimes be comforting, aren't we limiting God's power?
In my experience, and from many others I've spoken to, God has three answers when we ask something.
1. Yes
2. No
3. Wait
But I think for us, we don't want a direct answer. We just want to see the results of our faith as God does His Will.
If God answers yes, then we have to do something about it. This is our call to action. God has given us the green light to do something that will bring Him glory and teach us more about who He is. And maybe we're scared of that. We're scared to take the step and put ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, even though we know it is exactly where God wants us, and He will provide for our needs.
If God answers no, then we have to move on. Automatic red light. You'll get penalized if you go through the intersection anyways. Or you run the risk of getting in a collision. Neither of which are desirable outcomes. We have to give up whatever the thing is because it isn't glorifying God, and probably hurting our growth. We like to hold onto things because we think we can do it, fix it, and/or overcome it. That is putting our power above His, and trust me, we shouldn't. We have to believe that His no is not the end of the world; rather, it is closing one door and opening another that will lead somewhere even more amazing than we could possibly imagine.
If God tells us to wait, then we have to dwell in His presence. I think this is the hardest thing, because though it is a definite answer, it doesn't always seem like it. Wait implies that we have to keep asking, keep praying and keep processing whatever this thing is, because we don't fully understand it yet. So this is our yellow light- proceed slowly and with caution. We have to be mindful of every step. This means we're not ready to give up or go ahead, and only God knows why. Now we have to put our full trust in Him and His plan, because we don't know or understand the situation.
It's time to stop giving ourselves an out of actually asking God for answer. He will give one, it just probably isn't the answer you want to hear. God's will be done even if you pray for it, but how will you know what it is if you don't ask?
What it ultimately comes down to is ceaseless prayer regardless of God's answer, because you will need Him to act, let go and to be patient. So keep praying and listen for an answer. He will give one.