Too many times I've heard someone say to me:
"Why hasn't anyone snagged you yet?"
"You're too pretty to be single!"
"The right one will come along when you least expect it!"
Yes, I understand that being single is a drag but how in the world is it affecting you?
The answer to that question my friends is it's NOT!! Now don't get me wrong sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be in a relationship but then I quickly realize who I am as a person.
Now for those of you that don't know me, my parents raised me up to be a very independent woman and taught me that I don't need a man to make me happy or to depend on and let me tell you THEY ARE SO RIGHT!
Our youth is so caught up in this world where they think that the perfect person or relationship exists but guess what it doesn't. #nobodyisperfect
Literally, every time I open some form of social media, whether it be Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or even Snapchat, there is a painted picture of how a relationship should be and guess what I am not okay with that.
We want someone that will tell us that we are pretty or to text us every day but that's not what a relationship is about.
Now again for those of you that do know me, you'll know that I have NEVER been in a relationship (middle school does not count.) Granted that I might not be in one that doesn't mean that I haven't been around people that aren't.
I always hear their point of views of what a relationship is about and how you always have to communicate with each other.
Not everything is always going to be good, there are bad moments in every relationship, you just gotta work it out and talk to one another. A relationship is DEF not easy!!
Don't get me wrong I always have those moments where I text my friends telling them how lonely I am (like literally last night) but I wouldn't want to just jump into one because I am lonely. I'm at a point in my life where I'm happy with where I am at and my main focus is on me.
Everyone is different and of course, relationships aren't for everyone (like me) but it's okay to be single and just focus on yourself.