I’m not the perfect Christian girl that you normally see walking around Baylor's campus. I wasn’t raised on a farm with a bunch of baby ducklings or have a cute southern accent. My favorite thing in the world isn’t playing golf with my dad, and I’m not best friends with my siblings.
I am a Christian and regularly attend church, but there are some things born in you that you can’t change, no matter how hard you try.
The sin that resonates the most with me is lust. And there’s nothing I can do to fix it — It’s like trying to NOT be lactose intolerant.
As I mentioned, I’m not your typical beautiful southern girl who is saving hand-holding until marriage. I’m from LA, and my first kiss happened at my preschool graduation (shoutout to William if you’re reading this). Coming to Baylor surprised me, to say the least... many girls haven’t had their first kiss, much less TALKED to a human of the opposite sex that isn’t related to them.
I figured this little situation out one of the first nights of Baylor. A group of my newly-made friends and I gathered together to play the infamous "Never Have I Ever," and my friend Megan began.
“Never have I ever had a glass of milk.” My eyes widened.
Next. “Never have I ever played an instrument.”
My jaw dropped. They all turned to face me, and I smiled.
“Never have I ever kissed 2 different guys in the same day and not known one of their names.”
They dropped their arms in surprise. I marked one point off for me and they were stunned.
And thus, it began. I’m not sorority-girl-drinking-at-a-party-wearing-next-to-nothing level, but mild sluttiness should be expected. Talking to guys is fun. Kissing guys is fun. Making out and being spontaneous and going on late night adventures with them? Fun!
The best part about Baylor? The girls I played the game with are all still my friends. They don’t judge me for my choices or past actions, and I get to teach them what they need do in the future!
If any of my more timid friends are reading this, here are some kissing pro tips:
1. No lipstick/lip gloss... it just makes things messy
2. It’s natural... don’t overthink it and try to be fancy
3. Kiss someone you care about, not a frat boy with a cocaine addiction and a 1.5 GPA
It’s cliche, and it’s been said before, but life is short. If I got hit by a Honda Civic tomorrow, I’d want to have as many experiences possible checked off my list. Don’t overthink it, and don't worry if you're different than the Baylor poster children you thought didn't really exist. Have fun, and live your life how you choose.
My friend Megan has adopted a new motto she wants to be in her obituary, so I will share it with you: